
Commands Manual

This command reference can also be viewed in app by using the help command. This reference is is for version 1.3.1. Download the latest from github or possibly the Nexus. (Nexus may not have bleeding edge versions).

Command Usage Description



add <nxm://starfield/...>

add <creation-id>

add 4183

add 4183 4182 4181

add <path-to-mod-zip> <name-of-mod>*

Add a new mod, including downloading it

You can add mods by nexus mod manager url, by mod url, by mod id, or even by path to a local zip

For urls and ids, you can add multiple at once, space separated

Example nexus mod manager url: nxm://starfield/mods/4183/files/12955?key=abc&expires=1697023374&user_id=111

Example mod url: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4183?tab=files

Example adding a creation: add SFBGS003

See also creation




creation ls

creation add <id>

creation add all

creation rm <index>

creation rm all

creation refresh <index>

creation refresh all

Tools for managing creations just like other mods

creation ls - lists unmanaged creations by examining your game content catalog

creation add - adds a single creation by its mod file id (like SFBGS021) or content id (like TM_31ccf130-4852-417b-842a-9d82672028e4). Also see add mod

creation add all - Attempts to add _all_ unmanaged creations found in the content catalog

creation rm - unmanage this creation, dumping the files back into the data directory (deletes the "mod" but unmanages the files)

creation refresh - copy any creation related files from the data directory, overriding existing mod files. Used to update a creation if there are new files



external ls

external add <id>

external add all

Tools for managing external plugins

external ls - lists unmanaged plugins by examining your game data folder

external add - adds a single plugin by its id (like SFBGS003). Also see add mod

external add all - Attempts to add _all_ unmanaged plugins found in the data folder

To remove an external plugin, just use the normal remove commands. The empty mod folder will be deleted but since there are no mod files there won't be other changes



fetch <mod id>

fetch 111 222 333

Add mod metadata without downloading files

Useful for adding NEW mods. To check for updates on existing mods, see update



remove <index>

rm <index>

Remove a mod from being managed

Command Usage Description



enable <index>

enable 1 2 4

enable 1-4

enable all

Enable or disable a mod.

Enabled mods are symlinked into the game folder the next time the deploy command is run



disable <index>

disable 1 2 4

disable 1-4

disable all

Enable or disable a mod.

Enabled mods are symlinked into the game folder the next time the deploy command is run




deploy overrides

deploy dryrun

Applies all enabled mods to the game folder by creating the appropriate symlinks

Overrides shows any mods that conflict with other mods and gives their load order in parenthesis and then the index of the mod

Dryrun shows a detailed view of how files will be deployed, without deploying them



order 1

order 1 first

order 1 last

order 1 sooner 5

order 1 later

order 1 set 4

Mods with a higher load order are loaded later, and override mods loaded earlier. Given mod A has an order 5 and mod B has an order of 1, then A will load AFTER B, and A's files will be used instead of B's in any file conflicts.

In these examples the first number is the mod index and the second is the sort order you want

order 1 set 4 - sets mod with index 1 to load order 4. Any mods with a higher number for load order have their number increased

order 1 - view any conflicts mod index 1 has with any other mods

To manage load order specifically for plugins, see esps command. The same order number is used for both commands.



esp ls

esp refresh

esp refresh 1

esp 1 first

esp 1 last

esp 1 sooner 5

esp 1 later

esp 1 set 4

esp 1 sub 1 set 0

Plugins with a higher load order are loaded later, and override plugins loaded earlier. Given plugin A has an order 5 and plugin B has an order of 1, then A will load AFTER B, and A's records will be used instead of B's in any conflicts.

In these examples the first number is the mod index and the second is the sort order you want

esp ls - view load order of plugins

esp 1 set 4 - sets mod with index 1 to load order 4. Any plugins with a higher number for load order have their number increased

esp 1 later - sets the plugin to load after the next plugin (may shift the order number more than one as it shifts until it's after the next plugin).

esp 1 later 2 - same as above but shifts down by two plugins

esp 1 sub 2 set 0 - Used to re-order plugins within a single mod. Finds the plugin of mod 1 that is in sub load order 2 and sets it to sub load order 0.

For general mod order, see order command. The same order number is used for both commands.



purge dryrun

Purge your game data folder and delete all symlinks and rename override files.

This should set you back to vanilla, and can catch files missed by disabling mods and deploying.

Specifically, if you manually delete a mod outside the manager, a deploy may not delete its deployed files, but a purge should clean them up.

Use dryrun to view what a purge would do without actually doing it.




profile list

profile save <name>

profile save <index>

profile view <index>

profile load <index>

profile compare <index>

Allows you to create new profiles, and then view, save, or load them by index.

Profiles are like local mod collections and save all of the enabled / disabled mods.

This should let you quickly bulk enable / disable mods for different scenarios.

Compare profile allows you to see what the difference is between your currently enabled mods and the profile's mods



validate - defaults to validating enabled

validate all

validate <index>

validate 1 2 4

validate 1-3

validate staged

validate disabled

validate skip 1

validate check 1

Examines mods for issues. Checks for duplicates, bad folder staging etc

Use validate skip 1 to add a tag so that mod at index 1 is skipped for validation

Use validate check 1 to remove the tag, so the mod is validated

Command Usage Description




list <start> <amount>

List Mod details

You can give a start and amount if you want to list just a subsection

list 10 30 would list 30 mods, starting with the 10th mod



detail <mod id>

View all mod detail




search <search text>

search <tag>

search tag <tag>

search name <name>

search category <category>

search <mod id>

search enabled

search disabled

search staged

search unstaged

search endorsed

search unendorsed

search abstained

search missing

Search for mods and list them once

To apply a filter to future lists, see filter

Search the given text (name or category), by ids, by mods missing ids, and by status

Searching a string will search name, category, and tags.

To search ONLY tags, use search tag <tagName>.

The same can be done to search by category or name as well



Find files

find <search text>

Find all files that have the given text in their path



filter <search text>

filter tag

filter tag <tag>

filter 123

filter enabled

filter disabled

filter staged

filter unstaged

filter endorsed

filter unendorsed

filter abstained

filter missing - show missing ids

Filter mods that contain the given text (name or category) or status, including missing ids

Changes persist across future ls until filter clear or filter all is called

To do a one time search, see search



sort name

sort name reverse

sort id

sort enabled

sort category

sort order

sort staged

Sort the list in various ways. Add reverse to invert the sort

Command Usage Description



endorse <index>

endorse 1 2 4

endorse 1-4

Endorse a mod on nexus, or abstain from endorsing it


abstain <index>

Endorse a mod on nexus, or abstain from endorsing it



mod <index> id <new id>

mod <index> file <file-path>

mod <index> name <new name>

Change various parts of a mod.

Use id to set its nexus id

Use file to delete a mods stage folder and restage it from zip



tag 1 add essential

tag 1 rm essential

tag 1 rm 0

Tools for managing external plugins

external ls - lists unmanaged plugins by examining your game data folder

external add - adds a single plugin by its id (like SFBGS003). Also see add mod

external add all - Attempts to add _all_ unmanaged plugins found in the data folder



rename <index> <new name>

Use name to rename a mod without changing its file paths

Command Usage Description



open <index>

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder



local <index> *<cli>

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




cli <index>

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




Open game folder

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




Open appdata path folder

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




Open ini path folder

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder



Open plugins file

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




Open jar path folder

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder



Open website manual

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder


Open website

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder




Open app source

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder


Open app nexus page

Open various folders and filepaths

You can open a mod locally or on the nexus, or open the various config paths

If you pass 'cli' it will open in terminal instead of local folder

Command Usage Description



refresh <index>

refresh 1 2 4

refresh 1-3

refresh all

refresh empty

refresh staged

refresh enabled

refresh disabled

For all mods with ids, attempt to redownload (or grab the file from the downloads folder if it exists) and restage.

Refreshing can be done by ranges of indexs, or by mod status

If you're looking to upgrade to a new version, see update and upgrade



update <index>

update 1 2 4

update 1-3

update staged

update enabled

fetches latest metadata for mods, including new versions and endorsement data

Useful for checking for updates existing mods. To check add new mods, see fetch or add.

To download updates, see upgrade



version <index>

version 1 2 4

version 1-3

version <index> set <new-version>

View the current and latest version of a mod

Use version set to manually tell the manager that mode is at a given version



upgrade <index>

upgrade 1 2 4

upgrade 1-3

upgrade all

For all mods with newer versions, attempt to stage the latest version.

If you want to check for new versions, see update

If you're looking to just redownload or restage a file at the current version, see refresh

Command Usage Description



config game-path <path-to-folder>

config appdata-path <path-to-folder>

config ini-path <path-to-folder>

config api-key <key-from-nexus>

config open-in-terminal-command <path-to-folder>

config verbose <true/false>

config autodeploy <true/false>

config use-my-docs <true/false>

config categories

config version

Used to configure the mod manager itself. Saved in the config.json file located next to the jar

game-path should be the path to the folder under steam containing the starfield Data folder and exe

appdata-path should be the path to the folder under your appdata that will contain Plugins.txt. Needed for updating mod load order

ini-path should be the path to the folder under your documents that contains StarfieldCustom.ini. It's optionally used to deploy to your my docs folder instead of the game path

open-in-terminal-command is optional and only needed if you don't use `gnome-terminal`. This value will be used as the command when opening folders in the terminal. Will be run in the relevant folder, but if you need to specify the directory in the command, you can use `{pwd}` and it will be replaced by the relevant path.

verbose gives additional output (for debugging) if set to true

autodeploy automatically runs deploy when enabling or disabling mods. Defaults to true

use-my-docs optionally allows deploying mod files under Data to my documents instead of the game folder. (Defaults to false)

categories is used to download category names from nexus

If your paths have spaces, make sure to quote them

version gives the commit that the app was built from




help <command>

List the commands for view a specific command in detail




Run the steam game


Exit the process

Exit the process